The Digital Shift
Navigating Technological Change


Scope: The digital economy is heralding a time of rapid change for many sectors, including all levels of the education sector.

To inform its strategic planning, educational publishers needed to understand how key education stakeholders were dealing with rapid technological change and their perspectives on the role of their industry group in the digital shift.

Methodology: Canvass identified 50 senior executives from a wide range of stakeholder groups across all levels of education nationally: primary, secondary, tertiary and VET stakeholders, as well as other peak bodies, MPs and senior state & federal bureaucrats.

Canvass conducted high-level discussions with these executives, covering numerous substantive and reputational issues about the impact of the digital shift on the education sector, the roles and relationships throughout the sector and the implications of these for Canvass’ client.

Driving Change: Elite stakeholders welcomed the chance to speak candidly and confidentially about their needs and the issues and opportunities facing the education sector nationally as a result of digital developments.

The research findings informed and energised effective engagement at the public affairs level and addressed urgent reputational threats.